Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

>> Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are found in the 'Guru Granth Sahib Ji', considered to be the eleventh Guru of the Sikhs. It consists of the faiths and belief of our gurus. It is described as the indestructible form. The words of Guru Nanak Dev Ji always enlightened the brotherhood of man. According to him, God always destroys 'the evil doers', this being God's nature and will, and it is man's goal to carry out that will. Also, it is the spiritual duty of the seeker and his society to resist evil and injustice.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji always focused upon the harm by egotism (known as haumai- 'I am') and calls upon the devotees to worship word of God (Naam - the Reality), to meditate the shabad, and follow hukam, the order of the Guru. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that our worship should be selfless and is then called sewa, in God's house.

The teachings given by Guru Nanak can be practiced in three ways:

* Naam Japna which means, Singing the Holy Name and thus keeping God within u, every time
* Kirat Karō which means, Earning a living with honestly
* Vand Chakkō which means, Sharing with others

Guru Nanak emphasized on word 'God'. One should follow the direction awakened by the individuals rather than the individuals who are led by Self will ( Manmukh )


* Women should be given equal importance as that of men
* Abolish caste system
* Was against Sati system
* Against superstitions
* In Sikhism everyone has equal rights irrespective of caste, creed, color, race, sex or religion


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