Accession to Gurugaddi

>> Saturday, March 13, 2010

Serving the sikhs at his village for some years when Bhai Lehna ji returned to Kartarpur, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was very happy to see his service. Bhai Lehna Ji was was given a series of tests of his obedience and service. In one test he had to eat what appeared to the Guru's sons to be carrion (the dead and rotting body of an animal), which only Lehna Ji was willing to eat, which magically turned into the sweetest of foods.

After giving more several tests, Bhai Lehna Ji was given the Guruship and was instated as the 2nd Guru of the sikhs. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had touched him and renamed him Angad (part of the body) or the second Nanak on 1539. Before becoming the new Guru he had spent six or seven years in the service of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Kartarpur. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, left their body on September 22, 1539, Guru Angad Dev Ji went back to his village Khadur Sahib, Kartarpur. He carried forward the principles of Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with him and spread the message of sikhism. As said by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Ahgad Dev Ji maintained the institution of langar. He spread Guru Nanak Dev Ji's facts, by studing the life of Bhai Bala. Also, he wrote the first biography of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He also wrote 63 Saloks, which are included in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. At last; on 28 March 1552, Guru Angad Dev Ji left his body.


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